Lunch Out of the Pantry

It's such a beautiful day here today after all that rain.  I didn't want to do any cooking so I decided to raid the pantry in order to prepare lunch.  I usually keep cans of salmon, tuna, and crabmeat on hand for days like today.  A crabmeat salad was something I could put together very quickly without cooking anything.  I used a can of crabmeat (about 8 oz of meat), 1/4 cup cucumber diced and 1/2 cup of halved grape tomatoes.  A teaspoon of lemon juice (  I always keep frozen lemon juice on hand for when I might not have lemons for dishes like this) and a couple of tablespoons of mayo (Duke's of course), added to the ingredients with a dash of fresh pepper completed the salad.  It took about 5 minutes.  Served on a bed of lettuce with a couple of crackers and it really fit the bill.  I have enough of the salad remaining to make a sandwich as well.

It's a good idea to keep a few cans of seafood on hand for days when you don't feel like cooking.  And during hurricane season these come in mighty handy if you lose power.  I can practically live on tuna or crabmeat sandwiches.

After this quick lunch I had lots of time left to spend outdoors in this lovely weather.

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